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Monday 13 October 2014

The Hand Rocks The Wheelchair

In this episode Bonnie goes out of town and asks Lois to take care of Joe and Lois said yes and Lois convinces meg to do it for her. after a few days with Joe, she falls in love with him. she eventually gets over it and everything is right back to normal


There is also a side story in this episode, where Brian notices that Stewie is getting too soft, he has'nt killed anyone in months or even tried to take over the world, Stewie then tries to enhance his evilness but unknowingly creates an evil double . with this evil double free it attacks Brian and when Stewie comes into the scene he too realizes that there is another him who attacks him then  jacks a car and drives off. Stewie and Brian come up with a plan to catch him by having Brian a bait and Stewie waiting for him and ready to ambush him, the plan works and everything is right back to normal.


German guy

The griffin family decides that chis needs a new hobby, and on this journey chis discovers puppets, under the instructions of an old German guy. chis and the old man enjoy there time more and more, after Hubert realizes that this is happening, he confronts the griffins that Chris is a friend with a Nazi, he knows this because he was held captive by him. the griffins ignore it, and peter goes over with Chris to the German mans house one day and discover a large amount of Nazi perfalia. they yell out for help to Hubert and he comes in in his WWll uniform, after about ten minutes of old man battle, Hubert is victorious. and everything is right back to normal.

Friends Of Peter G

In this episode peter becomes intoxicated at a public theater, he is arrested and sent to 40 hours at an AA meeting. where he convinces them all to drink and throw a party at the AA meeting, after some time of partying, the police are called for a public disturbance, but he takes care of it by bedazzling the meeting. After the night he becomes intoxicated and drives home, with no sup-prize he crashes and almost dies, he is visited by death in the processes. death shows him where his life will be if he continues to drink the way he does, the images are horrifying, and peter wishes he had n ever touched a drop, and as a bonus Death shows him what his life would be if he had never touched a drop in  his life, and this time the results where equally as horrifying, peter feels hopeless and death tells him its all about moderation. after his sentence is complete he follows deaths advice and throws away 3 beers from every 6 pack he buys...

And I'm Joyce Kinney

In this episode, Lois is invited to see the set of the quahog news room, by Kinney, the new news anchor, she gets there and is completely overwhelmed with excitement, Kinney then asks her to a drink that night. During the night they become more close to each other and Lois spills her most char-ashed secret that she was involved in a porn video in college. the next day the story is all over the news, and Lois's life is in distress. she is then ridiculed by her friends and community almost to the point that she is a social pariah. Lois then confronts Kinney about the confidential story and she said that she did it because Lois bullied her in high school. one day when she goes to church, she is banned from the house of god, she retreats home, devastated. Brian goes to her with some inspiration and Lois storms into the church the next day with the intent to explain herself. she comes in with the story of how Jesus hung around prostitutes, and that Jesus would forgive her, after much more exiting and convincing persuasions she is accepted into the community again.