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Monday 13 October 2014

The Hand Rocks The Wheelchair

In this episode Bonnie goes out of town and asks Lois to take care of Joe and Lois said yes and Lois convinces meg to do it for her. after a few days with Joe, she falls in love with him. she eventually gets over it and everything is right back to normal


There is also a side story in this episode, where Brian notices that Stewie is getting too soft, he has'nt killed anyone in months or even tried to take over the world, Stewie then tries to enhance his evilness but unknowingly creates an evil double . with this evil double free it attacks Brian and when Stewie comes into the scene he too realizes that there is another him who attacks him then  jacks a car and drives off. Stewie and Brian come up with a plan to catch him by having Brian a bait and Stewie waiting for him and ready to ambush him, the plan works and everything is right back to normal.


German guy

The griffin family decides that chis needs a new hobby, and on this journey chis discovers puppets, under the instructions of an old German guy. chis and the old man enjoy there time more and more, after Hubert realizes that this is happening, he confronts the griffins that Chris is a friend with a Nazi, he knows this because he was held captive by him. the griffins ignore it, and peter goes over with Chris to the German mans house one day and discover a large amount of Nazi perfalia. they yell out for help to Hubert and he comes in in his WWll uniform, after about ten minutes of old man battle, Hubert is victorious. and everything is right back to normal.

Friends Of Peter G

In this episode peter becomes intoxicated at a public theater, he is arrested and sent to 40 hours at an AA meeting. where he convinces them all to drink and throw a party at the AA meeting, after some time of partying, the police are called for a public disturbance, but he takes care of it by bedazzling the meeting. After the night he becomes intoxicated and drives home, with no sup-prize he crashes and almost dies, he is visited by death in the processes. death shows him where his life will be if he continues to drink the way he does, the images are horrifying, and peter wishes he had n ever touched a drop, and as a bonus Death shows him what his life would be if he had never touched a drop in  his life, and this time the results where equally as horrifying, peter feels hopeless and death tells him its all about moderation. after his sentence is complete he follows deaths advice and throws away 3 beers from every 6 pack he buys...

And I'm Joyce Kinney

In this episode, Lois is invited to see the set of the quahog news room, by Kinney, the new news anchor, she gets there and is completely overwhelmed with excitement, Kinney then asks her to a drink that night. During the night they become more close to each other and Lois spills her most char-ashed secret that she was involved in a porn video in college. the next day the story is all over the news, and Lois's life is in distress. she is then ridiculed by her friends and community almost to the point that she is a social pariah. Lois then confronts Kinney about the confidential story and she said that she did it because Lois bullied her in high school. one day when she goes to church, she is banned from the house of god, she retreats home, devastated. Brian goes to her with some inspiration and Lois storms into the church the next day with the intent to explain herself. she comes in with the story of how Jesus hung around prostitutes, and that Jesus would forgive her, after much more exiting and convincing persuasions she is accepted into the community again.

Thursday 9 October 2014

New Kidney In Town

In this episode, Peter becomes addicted to red bull, and overly obsessed over it. after a few days of him getting on his wife's nerves she cuts him off, with him now cut off he attempts to develop his own red bull using carosine, his reasoning is that since red bull is fuel and carosine is also fuel, carosine is red bull. when he completes his new energy drink he takes a large gulp and with a surprise both of his kidneys fail, he now must come in once a week for dialysis treatments. after a close call Lois demands a new kidney, but he is very low on a waiting list, she offers hers but is not compatible, then Brian comes up and asks if he can, the doctor agrees under the condition that he donate both due to the fact that he is a dog, even though this treatment will kill him he agrees. after his closing o the book with everyone he prepares for the operation, when the doctor comes in he announces that he is a compatible donor and swaps Brian for himself, Brian lives, and peter is saved, everything is right back to normal.

Road To The North Pole, Part 2

Now at this point as you may know, Stewie and Brian reach the north pole although it looks like a run down old oil mine/plastic factory. they meet Santa and he is in the worst health imaginable, keeping up with all of earths demands for stuff is physically exhausting, with Stewie about to kill his, Santa is releaved and wants him to do it, Stewie refuses due to the lack of spot in the kill. Santa explains that the increase of toys wanted and the increase of the quality of toys, do you want to try to make a iPod with your bear hands. the toy shop is in absolute chaos with to meet the demand of the world, the toxic waste created is having its own effect on the elves and deer. after another musical, Santa falls ill and cannot go out on another present run. Stewie and Brian decide to do it for him, with the presents loaded and the deer hooked they prepare to deliver all of the presents of the world. they arrive at the first house with a not so smooth landing, they make there way down the chimney and realize that they forgot the presents, ass the sled falls off the room, they go and retrieve the presents and put the under the tree, suddenly the father comes down and mistakes them as robbers and threatens to call the police, after an hour and a half of a  series of unlikely events they trip the alarm and flee. they realize that this is inhuman and give up, the next day everyone realizes there are no presents under the tree, everyone is asked to ask for only one gift and this saves Christmas for the years to come.

Road To The North Pole, Part 1

This episode begins with a musical number where all of the characters sing about what they want for Christmas, and its nothing small. after the musical Stewie and Brian are a the local mall waiting in line to see Santa, Stewie is noting how admirable it is for Santa to go to his mall year after year, after several hours of waiting, they finally get to the front and then the clock strikes 9:00, and the mall Santa leaves for the night, as stewie stares, devastated, he becomes angry at Santa, he then orders Brian to take him to the north pole. Brian finally agrees to go to the north pole, after a short trip they arrive at the north pole, Stewie becomes incredibly exited and goes straight to Santa but along the way he become more aware that this place is not in fact the north pole but a common amusement park, he then orders Brian to take him to the real north pole, his reasoning is he wants to kill Santa for blowing him off at mall, Brian refuses and Stewie catches a ride with a trucker to the north pole with Brian in a close pursuite, after several hours on the road they are both involved in an unavoidable accident. at this point they both meet up again, and Stewie makes Brian a deal, and Brian agrees to take Stewie to the north pole. they get a snowmobile, and start heading to the north pole, after the snowmobile breaks they need to wank the rest of the way and by Brian's amazement, Santa's workshop is there, but its not what they expected, the toy shop is a giant factory spitting out oil and chemical waste. disregarding the fact Stewie marches to the front door and sticks a gun in Santa's face as his plan to kill him will soon be a success.this is where the first part ends.

Brian Writes A BestSeller

In this episode Brian receives a note from his publisher saying that they are returning all of his unsold books, which is near 300 boxes of them. furiously disappointed he give up writing. the next day he reads that the number one selling book in a self help book, this makes him even more angry, with this news Stewie convinces him to white one himself since he doesn't care about the book he does it, the book is called "with it, want it, do it". To the surprise of Brian the book is successfully published, now considering that it took him three hours to white, this was a large surprise. Brian then names Stewie his publicist, ad the book becomes more and more popular Brian starts to have the success go to his head. with this new arrogant attitude he begins to think too highly of himself, and as we all know the higher you get the farther you fall. he soon gets an interview with bill mare, Areana and Deana, and in this interview they point out the stupidity of this book and him, the author, this knockes him down a few, and everything is right back to normal at the end.